21st Century Environmental Communication

This week in lecture I was delighted to be able to learn about my professors research paper in relation to a movie I had already loved, Avatar. She explained her notions of the 'concept of hypo-cognition' and how this deep sense that we had been green-washed into thinking this movie was all about the natural environment. Her outlook on this was that it was fundamentally 'un-environmental' and much more about a message of violence instead of the environment. Once she had begun to explain her outlook, I instantly scanned my memory on the movie and begun now to recall it in a completely seperate light. I could see this macho-war driven world where the final scene ends 'mono-e-mono'... it all made sense now. This whole sense was what she meant by the term hypo-cognition and now I came to a clear realization of not only what she meant, but also a new light on the movie!

Shortly After this lecture I went home to do some more, research myself and came across a great read on FORBES online website. Here is the link so you can take a look...http://www.forbes.com/2009/12/20/avatar-media-james-cameron-opinions-columnists-reihan-salam.html

An example I found of 21st Century Environmental Communication is from a UK online newspaper website. The video demonstrates a flash mob full of participants which are campaigners against climate change. This is what I believe the 21st century type of environmental communication will become to be like. Our ideas must be more creative and current with the fast-paced lifestyles of our consumers and flash mobs are a great way to 'rally the troops' towards communicating the environment in a positive way!


Here is another example of a Flash mob against plastic bottles. The beginning of this video is a little lagging...but just wait until the end, it will give you a grin from ear to ear! Might even make you think twice about leaving a bottle behind next time . If you would like to skip ahead a little, goto the 0:57 mark!

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